10 Inspirational Quotes of Robert Downey Jr. - The Iron Man! - Quotes n Chai

13 Apr 2018

10 Inspirational Quotes of Robert Downey Jr. - The Iron Man!

Robert Downey Jr. is probably an apt choice for Iron Man.  It would not be an exaggeration to say that no other public figure made such a powerful and successful comeback after plummeting to the bottom of the abyss due to substance abuse.

Lets Check out Top 10 Quotes of Robert Downey Jr. - The Iron Man Who overcame his demons with strong will and determination.

1. “Do I want to be a hero to my son? No. I would like to be a very real human being. That’s hard enough.” Robert Downey Jr.

2. Sometimes you just gotta be drop-kicked out of the nest.
Robert Downey, Jr.

3. The lesson is that you can still make mistakes and be forgiven. - Robert Downey, Jr.


I understand reversal of fortune; that usually has come through my own hand, but you know, you live life on life's terms.

Robert Downey, Jr.

5.  Look, even bad years are pretty good years I think.

Robert Downey, Jr.

6. All I want, and I think all any parent with a semblance of a moral psychology wants, is for my kid to have his own experience, uninhibited.

Robert Downey, Jr.

7. I grew up with a lot of people whose whole prime mover was dad rage. I never really had it - it always seemed so empty. It always seemed to be masking something else, which was really their own lack of initiative.
Robert Downey, Jr.


Life is just so painful and messy and hard and worth it and all that stuff.

Robert Downey, Jr.

9. “You need to know what to do when the sun is not shining.” Robert Downey Jr.

10. “Remember that just because you hit bottom doesn’t mean you have to stay there.” Robert Downey Jr.

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